3500/40M Proximitor®是 4 通道位移监测器,接 收本特利内华达位移传感器的输入,对信号进行 处理后生成各种振动和位移测量量,并将处理后 的信号与用户可编程的报警设置点进行比较。可 以使用 3500 框架组态软件对 3500/40M 的每个通 道进行组态,使其具有如下功能: ! 径向振动 ! 轴向位移 ! 差胀 ! 轴偏心 ! REBAM®
3500/40M 监测器的主要功能为: 1) 通过连续不断地将机器振动当前值与组态 中的报警值进行比较,并驱动报警系统, 从而达到保护机器的目的 2) 为操作人员和维护人员提供关键设备的振 动信息 通过组态,每一通道通常将输入信号处理成“静 态值”。每一静态值都有组态好的警告报警值, 每两个静态值都可组态一个危险报警值。
The primary purpose of the 3500/40M monitor is to provide: 1) Machinery protection by continuously comparing monitored parameters against configured alarm setpoints in order to drive alarms. 2) Essential machine information for both operations and maintenance personnel. Each channel, depending on configuration, typically conditions its input signal into various parameters called “static values”. The user can configure alert setpoints for each active static value and Danger setpoints for any two of the active static values.
Ordering Information
Proximitor® Monitor 3500/40 -AXX –BXX
A: I/O Module Type
0 1 Proximitor® I/O Module with Internal Terminations
0 2 Proximitor® I/O Module with External Terminations
0 3 Proximitor® I/O Module with Internal Barriers and Internal Terminations
0 4 TMR Proximitor® I/O Module with External Terminations
B: Agency Approval Option
0 0 None